Writing is one of my passions and I am working towards being an author and publishing my own sets of poems, short stories and books. Enjoy the following reads!
Let me tell you a bit about my writing journey.
When I was a child, my father would send my brother and I to a book shop to pick out a number of books we wanted to read for the summer vacation. We would later have to write book reports and show to my father when he came back from work. From what I recall, we had about a week or two to finish a book and submit a typed report. We also had the liberty to design how we would present the report, thus helping us to polish our MS-Word skills.
As we progressed in age and summer vacations, the scope was widened and we could either read and write a report, draw, write a poem or short story and present any of that. This activity even extended to my cousins when they came over during the summer lol. They too are very invested in their creative side now I can tell you for sure.
Fast forward to secondary school, I used to write any time I was free. In the classroom, dorm room and during prep. It was my friends who encouraged me to publish my writings in a blog because they knew I was that good. I sometimes had an episodic style of writing and I would release my stories every week or so for my friends to read - especially during prep when they were bored.
Right after completing secondary school, I started my blog and it has opened countless opportunities for me.
Now you can click here to read my pieces. If you'd rather listen than read, here is the link to my podcast. If you're interested in my tech life, enjoy it here.
If you want the real deal, visit my blog at www.otemasblog.wordpress.com to indulge yourself in some deep poetry and story writing. You'll get to see my perspective on some things too