I’ve got Shawn Mendes’ Mercy on repeat. Today is 21st April 2017.
Its been about two weeks since I last wrote. You didn’t reply but I got news that you’re happy and I hope it’s genuine.
I hear you’re in love. What’s his name?
He makes you happy I hear. You’ve had on a grim expression for a while. But I hear he makes you brim from ear to ear, all day round.
I hear he takes you out on romantic dates and treats you specially than anyone else does.
I hear he goes out of his way for you. I hear he has never made you cry. Is that so?
He’s never ever made you cry?
He’s never scolded you to make you cry?
He’s never held and shook you to make you cry?
He’s never been so angry, broken a piece and made you cry?
He’s never looked you in the face in a way you didn’t like to make you cry? No?
Must be a wonderful man.
I’d like to see you two together. Write me a letter and add a picture.
I’m glad you’re happy. At least he takes you places to eat.
Love but never expect too much,
Your muse.
Photograph by Joel Boahen (@officialkwabbx)
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